Chris McDonnell: Journey Time

Out of all this must come laughter and the gradual drying of tears, fears diminish as the finish, slow to show at first is seen -after all this is done and gone. When raging hurt swells and finally breaks composure surely born,  when worn by passing days you reach that no-more time -after all this […]

Chris McDonnell: Journey Time

Out of all this

must come laughter

and the gradual drying of tears,

fears diminish as the finish,

slow to show at first is seen

-after all this is done and gone.

When raging hurt swells

and finally breaks composure

surely born,  when worn

by passing days

you reach that no-more time

-after all this is done and gone.

When dull deep ache, easing

drifts away, nights in sleep

return, when much is lost in distance,

just as day is chased by dusk

and only birds remain

-after all this is done and gone.

When night-wrapped world has turned

and night lights that burned

are blinded by the sun to nothingness,

when dawn dispels those darkened hours

and day flares in brilliance

-after all this is done and gone.

Then indeed comes morning awakening,

time for rebuilding, remaking, reshaping,

as sunlight breaks,

dreams stream between blinded windows,

fingering hands open in expectant greeting

-after all this is done and gone.

Association of Catholic Priests