How to Start and End Confession: A Priest’s Tips on Improving...
It’s helpful to know how to start and end any activity. This foreknowledge helps...
Will You Die for Your Faith? The Story of St. Oscar Romero
Let’s start with the death. It was a Mass given in memory for the mother of one...
“Champions of Faith” Returns to Inspire a New Generation
I recently learned that Champions of Faith: Baseball Edition will make its world...
The Worst Lenten Homily I’ve Ever Heard
This past Ash Wednesday I was travelling, so I had to go to Mass and receive ashes...
Repent and Bear Fruit—for Salvation is not Ensured: Third...
What happens to us when we become experts at identifying the sins of others? Today,...
Meditating on the Passion
In the first part of this series I introduced the brief prayer, doce me passionem...
Is Our Prayer Being Heard?
We may sometimes wonder if our prayers are being heard by God. The deeper question...
St. Patrick vs. the British Bishops
The name of St. Patrick will be forever linked to the Christian Faith in Ireland....
The Holy Eucharist, The “Highway to Heaven”: A Year of...
It all started with a dream. When attendants of the National Eucharistic Congress...
Love Written into Our Bodies and Inscribed on Our Souls
Jesus turned, saw them following, and said to them, “What do you seek?” And they...
Our Happiness Depends on Our Attitudes
A few years ago, I was in a jam-packed bus in the scorching noon-time Manila heat....
The Lord Fortifies Our Faith: Second Sunday of Lent
At the Transfiguration, God told the apostles: “This is My chosen Son; listen to...
Beyond the Sanitized Cross
In the first part of this series I introduced the brief prayer, doce me passionem...
Defending the Faith Against False Belief Systems
Among many, the ideologies of new age, new thought, and even the occult evoke associations...
The Last Supper Film: Sincere but Superfluous
There are only a very few stories that are good enough to tell over and over again,...
St. Theophanes
St. Theophanes was born in the late 8th century into a wealthy and influential family...
Battling for Meekness with St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) is known as the gentle saint, but he was not born...
The Devil is Real
Eight hundred years ago in Belgium, as a third of Europe was dying of the Bubonic...
If Grace Is a Gift, How Do We Merit It?
A common charge leveled against the Catholic Church is that it wrongfully teaches...