Colligite Fragmenta – Sexagesima Sunday

Our Mass formularies for pre-Lent and Lent go back to at least the time of St. Gregory the Great (+604), and certainly before.  What was going on back in the day?  Plague and famine had ravaged the population.  The invading Lombards threatened Rome itself with sword and fire.  Both for Septuagesima and this Sexagesima Sunday ... Read more

Colligite Fragmenta – Sexagesima Sunday

Our Mass formularies for pre-Lent and Lent go back to at least the time of St. Gregory the Great (+604), and certainly before. What was going on back in the day? Plague and famine had ravaged the population. The invading Lombards threatened Rome itself with sword and fire. Both for Septuagesima and this Sexagesima Sunday we hear the cry of the Church to God for help and mercy.
