Extra, extra! News and views for Wednesday, September 18, 2024

(Image: Nacho Arteaga/Unsplash.com) More Confusion from the Pope – “That all religions have equal weight is an extraordinarily flawed idea for the Successor of Peter to appear to support.” The Pope and Other Religions (First Things) The Absurdity...

Extra, extra! News and views for Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Extra, extra! News and views for Wednesday, September 18, 2024
(Image: Nacho Arteaga/Unsplash.com)

More Confusion from the Pope – “That all religions have equal weight is an extraordinarily flawed idea for the Successor of Peter to appear to support.” The Pope and Other Religions (First Things)

The Absurdity of Materialism – “David Bentley Hart has published a gigantic, compendious, exasperating, bombastic masterpiece of a book that every serious ­person should consider reading.” The mysteries of mind (World)

In Care of Poland – “Poland’s Catholic bishops have accused the state authorities of “violating the law”, including by seeking to expand abortion rights, improperly treating prisoners, “spreading hate”, and “marginalising the importance of religion”. Catholic church accuses Polish state of “breaking law, spreading hatred and marginalising religion” (Notes from Poland)

Patience Is a Virtue – “Americans are more impatient than ever—and it’s affecting everything from our waistlines to our relationships.” The Lost Art of Waiting (The Free Press)

The Jewish Roots of Veneration of the Saints – “Protestants insist that the veneration and intercession of saints is a later pagan accretion into Christianity. My research has led me to the opposite conclusion: the belief goes back to first-century Judaism.” Jews and the Saints (Catholic.com)

Answering Controversies with Faith and Reason – “Recruits to the Catholic faith are often more receptive to the hot buttons of the faith than many cradle Catholics.” Hot Buttons of the Faith (Catholic Culture)

Escaping Poverty – “The single greatest attribute one needs to escape the cycle of poverty is discipline. When I say ‘discipline,’ I mean the ability to engage in short-term denial for long-term gain.” Bogan Elegy: A Survivor’s Guide to Escaping Suburban Poverty (Acton Institute)

Fleeing Liberal Family Policies – “Parents are not generally moving towards states with the preferred family policies of progressives. They are moving out of these states, including Democratic states, like New York, California, Massachusetts, and Oregon, all well known for their liberal family policies.” The Blue State Family Exodus: Families Are Migrating to Red and Purple States (IFStudies)

Big Brother Suppresses Siblings – “In 2023, the total fertility rate fell to 1.62 births per woman, a 2 percent decline from the previous year and the lowest rate recorded since the government began tracking it in the 1930s.” Big Government Is Leading to Smaller Families (National Review)

Because of Dobbs – “It has been two years since the Supreme Court decided Dobbs v. Jackson, overturning Roe v. Wade. It is worth taking stock of where the pro-life movement finds itself now.” The Way Forward After Dobbs (First Things)

(*The posting of any particular news item or essay is not an endorsement of the content and perspective of said news item or essay.)

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