Pope to Economy of Francesco: Love will change the economy, not power’

Pope Francis urges young people of the Economy of Francesco to transform the economy through love, witness, and hope, rather than through power or wealth. By Francesca Merlo Pope Francis on Wednesday welcomed a delegation of “The Economy of...

Pope to Economy of Francesco: Love will change the economy, not power’
Pope to Economy of Francesco: Love will change the economy, not power'

Pope Francis urges young people of the Economy of Francesco to transform the economy through love, witness, and hope, rather than through power or wealth.

By Francesca Merlo

Pope Francis on Wednesday welcomed a delegation of “The Economy of Francesco,” a movement of young economists working to shape a new economic paradigm, one rooted in the Gospel, driven by love, and conscious of the wounds of our world.

Throughout his pontificate, the Pope has consistently called for an economy that prioritises human dignity over profit.

Change comes from love

Addressing the delegates in the Vatican, he expressed how he sees in the young people the hope for such a transformation. “You won’t change it just by becoming ministers, Nobel laureates, or great economists,” he warned. “You will change it above all by loving it, in the light of God.”

Pope Francis spoke about the figure of St. Francis of Assisi, to whom the Economy of Francesco is dedicated, calling him an example for today’s youth.

“St. Francis was the son of a merchant,” the Pope reminded them. “He knew both the strengths and weaknesses of that world.” Yet, through his love for the poor and for creation, St. Francis gave “a new impulse to the development of the economy,” one that Pope Francis called young people to emulate.

The Pope also noted that the key to transforming the economy is not through the corridors of power, but through the simple act of witness.

“It is not the great and the powerful who change the world for the better: love is the first and greatest factor of change,” he said. Quoting the economist Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo, Pope Francis emphasised that salvation would come not from a “diplomat, scholar, or hero, but a saint, or rather, a society of saints.”

A new generation of witnesses

Pope Francis went on to urge the young people present to live their ideals with coherence, as a form of testimony to others.

“If you want other young people to approach the economy with your ideals… it will be your life witness that attracts them,” he told the young people.

However, Pope Francis also highlighted the challenges that young people will likely face. The challenges, he said, are immense. He mentioned long-running and modern wars, the arms industry, and the growing threats to democracy. He also asked young people not to be overwhelmed by these challenges.

“Perhaps, at times, you feel like you are ‘fighting against windmills,’” he acknowledged, quoting Don Quixote. Yet, he reassured them: “Do not be afraid. God will help you, and the Church will not leave you alone.”

A message of courage and hope

Bringing his address to a close, Pope Francis invited the young people of the Economy of Francesco to focus on three aspects of life: “Be witnesses, do not be afraid, and hope tirelessly.”

“It’s not easy,” he said, adding that it is actually “very difficult.” But, the Pope assured them, “your life will flourish, and you will have wonderful stories to tell your children and grandchildren.”

“I am with you, I accompany you, and I bless you.”

Vatican News