After justice comes fortitude. Once we discern in prudence an act or course, and we know it to be just and right, we very often face challenges outside of us, which is why we need fortitude. Those challenges could be from anywhere, but we know that in a world that does not exactly cherish holiness, we can expect persecution. And, as justice is coupled with prudence, so too temperance follows closely upon fortitude. Whereas fortitude fights to continue the good discerned in prudence when faced with challenges outside of us, fortitude fights the challenges that well up inside of us.
Due to sin, error, vice, and temptation, our actions and thoughts tend toward self-service and indulgence. Our passions rebel, our flesh cries out for ever more pleasure and comfort, and we are commended by the world to at all cost “do what makes us happy,” which more often than not means sacrificing others and their needs or duties owed them for the sake of our own desires. It’s the literal opposite of temperance: Instead of selfless self-denial, we entertain selfish other-denial, forsaking them for ourselves instead of forsaking ourselves for them.
So, for an act to be temperate and, therefore, for our Lenten fasts to be fruitful, we must set our sights on the right goal. We must seek the right end. We must discern the course in prudence, enact it justly, persevere in fortitude, and deny our lower appetites in order to reach it. That’s a fancy way of saying don’t deny yourself for yourself, but for something bigger than yourself. For our Lenten fasts and mortifications, this means our eyes must be set squarely on God. We do not deny ourselves to show God how worthy we are, how special He should feel having us as His children. No, we are forsaking our flesh and lower appetites to order them toward God and strengthen our weak wills that so often choose what is lower over what is higher. The temperate man doesn’t fast to prove himself or to lose weight. He fasts so that he may be free from the chains of this life so as to join God forever in the next.