The Transformative Power of God’s Word
As Catholics, we are called to be fellow pilgrims on a journey of devotion into Sacred Scripture, whose treasures enrich our souls and deepen our communion with God. When we take the time to reflect upon the Word of God, whether sitting alone cross-legged on the bed or joining our brothers and sisters in Christ […]

As Catholics, we are called to be fellow pilgrims on a journey of devotion into Sacred Scripture, whose treasures enrich our souls and deepen our communion with God. When we take the time to reflect upon the Word of God, whether sitting alone cross-legged on the bed or joining our brothers and sisters in Christ at a parish Bible study class, we allow God’s teachings to illuminate our minds and ignite the flame of faith within our hearts.
When we close our eyes, we can envision ourselves together with Christ in the quiet, as if stepping into a church adorned with roses and flickering candles, where the scent of incense hangs heavy in the air, and the echoes of lingering prayers can be heard like whispered secrets. It is in this place of closeness, at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and in the timeless truths of Sacred Scripture, where we strengthen our relationship with Christ and open our hearts to the truth of Divine Revelation, which draws us ever closer to our Catholic Faith.
Divine (or supernatural) revelation, such as Trinitarian theology or Christ’s hypostatic union, is the truth revealed about God by God Himself. It is the truth that we cannot come to know purely by the use of our own human reason. We receive Divine Revelation through the Church in the form of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium. This revelation will never contradict itself, as God never contradicts Himself.
Through the sacred texts of the Bible, we meet not only the divinely inspired words of the human writers, but also the living presence of Christ Himself, who speaks to us through the pages of scripture. Christ is hidden in the Old Testament and revealed in the New. He is the fulfillment of Divine Revelation. As we walk through every verse and passage, we are invited into a deeper intimacy with our beloved Savior, as we strive to emulate His teachings and bring His love into the world.
As Catholics, we are invited to bear witness to the transformative power of God’s Word in our lives and to help lead others to Christ. When we spend time with the Word, we are renewed in spirit and fortified in faith; we are prepared for the challenges and joys of discipleship in courage and conviction. In the revelations of Scripture, we have not only a guide for our spiritual path, but also an assurance that Christ is always with us.
If you have not yet experienced the richness of Lectio Divina or “Divine Reading”—which involves reading a Biblical text, meditating on a word or verse within it, praying to God, and finally contemplating in silence with Him—or that of a Catholic Bible study group, I invite you to engage with them now. They will elevate your experience of Scripture beyond what you thought possible.
I am a part of a Catholic Bible study group led by the pastor of my parish, and it is an incredibly enriching experience. The texts truly come alive, and I am better able to understand how the Church, founded by Christ, interprets scriptural passages. It has even helped me as a theology teacher better explain the meaning behind the holy texts to my students and feel more equipped answering their questions.
Let us allow the Scriptures to deepen our faith, help us to grow in holiness, and bear witness to the love of God in the world. There are many who so desperately need to know that there is a God who loves them. He shows us this in the story of salvation, and He affirms His love for us in His Word, the greatest love story ever written. Let us be conduits of that Word, and thereby spread His great love for His children.
We need to allow the Word of God to become a daily source of grace and inspiration in our lives. By doing so, we will fall in love with Christ more and more as we travel the road towards heaven.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash