Colligite Fragmenta: Quinquagesima Sunday

With Quinquagesima Sunday we are at the threshold of the season of Lent.  Holy Mother Church has been preparing us for spiritual combat through these preparatory Sundays.  When you follow the Vetus Ordo of the Roman Rite, Lent can never take you by surprise.  As part of our arming for battle, this Sunday asks us ... Read more

Colligite Fragmenta: Quinquagesima Sunday

With Quinquagesima Sunday we are at the threshold of the season of Lent. Holy Mother Church has been preparing us for spiritual combat through these preparatory Sundays. When you follow the Vetus Ordo of the Roman Rite, Lent can never take you by surprise. As part of our arming for battle, this Sunday asks us to consider the theme of charity and the power of faith. The Epistle reading from 1…
