Introducing Our New Editor
Catholic Exchange is happy to announce that Angie Allen is taking over as Editor-in-Chief. Angie has been working behind the scenes editing articles, reaching out to authors, and finding creative ways to improve Catholic Exchange and expand our reach. Angie is dedicated to revitalizing Catholic education in schools, parish RCIA programs, and through published media. She is a […]

Catholic Exchange is happy to announce that Angie Allen is taking over as Editor-in-Chief. Angie has been working behind the scenes editing articles, reaching out to authors, and finding creative ways to improve Catholic Exchange and expand our reach.
Angie is dedicated to revitalizing Catholic education in schools, parish RCIA programs, and through published media. She is a parish catechist and RCIA mentor in Dallas who served as a Seton Teaching Fellow in the Bronx, NY. She studied English, Theology, and Business at the University of Dallas and trained as an editor under Sophia Institute Press founder, John Barger.

She hopes to continue to grow the Catholic Exchange platform, crafting it as an ideal resource for those looking to incorporate quality, bite-sized spiritual reflections into their daily schedules and prayer lives. She believes that the virtuous integration of mind, body, and soul is necessary for holiness and seeks to offer a variety of content that strengthens each part of one’s being by orienting it towards God.
Thank you, readers, for your continued support of Catholic Exchange. Please join us in thanking Kristen Van Uden Theriault for her years of excellent editorial work, and please keep Angie in your prayers as she takes on this exciting new role.
Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash