Bro Jim C Salonoy - News Moderator

Bro Jim C Salonoy - News Moderator

Last seen: 9 hours ago

Member since Feb 4, 2022

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From the Top
Vatican releases Pope Francis’ schedule for first international trip of 2022

Vatican releases Pope Francis’ schedule for first international...

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Blessed Virgin of Ta’ Pinu on the Maltese...

From the Top
PHOTOS: Polish Catholics pray for end to Ukraine conflict at St. John Paul II’s tomb

PHOTOS: Polish Catholics pray for end to Ukraine conflict...

Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś of Łódź, Poland, celebrates Mass at St. John Paul II’s tomb...

From the Top
Pope Francis appeals for end to ‘tragic’ Ukraine conflict

Pope Francis appeals for end to ‘tragic’ Ukraine conflict

Pope Francis delivers his Angelus address at the Vatican, Feb. 27, 2022. / Vatican...

Priest resigns after invalidly baptising thousands of people

Priest resigns after invalidly baptising thousands of people

A priest in America has resigned from his parish after invalidly baptising thousands...

Violent suicides soar in countries where doctor-assisted dying is legalised, reveals study

Violent suicides soar in countries where doctor-assisted...

Legal euthanasia and assisted suicide have no impact on the reduction of violent...

Leader of Polish Catholic Church warns German counterpart over errors of the  Synodal way

Leader of Polish Catholic Church warns German counterpart...

The president of Poland’s Catholic bishops’ conference has expressed “fraternal...

The FSSP and Pope Francis’ Roller-Coaster

The FSSP and Pope Francis’ Roller-Coaster

The Wild Ride It took some time for everyone to adjust to the violent overthrow...

The Saint Who Faced the First Pornocracy

The Saint Who Faced the First Pornocracy

Editor’s note: OnePeterFive is beginning a series in which we will discuss the lives...

Ordained, Assistants, and Faithful: On Hierarchical Participation in Three Spheres

Ordained, Assistants, and Faithful: On Hierarchical Participation...

Owing to its density and complexity, the traditional Roman liturgy—and the same,...

St. Peter Damian in Dante and Music

St. Peter Damian in Dante and Music

950 years ago, in the night between 22 and 23 February 1072, at the age of 65 a...

Freemasonry Unmasked by Msgr. Dillon

Freemasonry Unmasked by Msgr. Dillon

Editor’s note: for more on Freemasonry, see this essay from our contributing editor,...

Former Freemason Explains Freemasonry – pt. 2

Former Freemason Explains Freemasonry – pt. 2

In my previous essay, Former Freemason Explains Freemasonry – pt. 1, I sought to...

A Different Set of Responsa ad Dubia

A Different Set of Responsa ad Dubia

Dear Catholics who support the suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass, Following...

We Are Going up to Jerusalem to Suffer

We Are Going up to Jerusalem to Suffer

Context is important. We are in “Gesima” time, Pre-Lent, a time of preparation,...

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Read the last chapter before this one Start reading from chapter 1 *** Malthus my...

“In the Beginning Was the Word”—Excerpt from a New Book by Anthony Esolen

“In the Beginning Was the Word”—Excerpt from a New Book...

Editor’s note: a powerful new book by well-known essayist and literary critic Anthony...


“Do not allow your heart to dwell so often on your past failings. It is more important...

From the Top
Pope Francis: 'The world needs beauty more than ever'

Pope Francis: 'The world needs beauty more than ever'

Pope Francis meets with Diakonia of Beauty, a group dedicated to celebrating sacred...

'Purity of heart' beatitude is at the core of what we need in this country

'Purity of heart' beatitude is at the core of what we need...

(Unsplash/Ante Gudelj) There‘s always something. In fact, a good deal of the Bible...

Cardinal Ouellet: Priests not supporting Francis should ask, 'What am I doing here?'

Cardinal Ouellet: Priests not supporting Francis should...

Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, walks through St....