Bro Jim C Salonoy - News Moderator

Bro Jim C Salonoy - News Moderator

Last seen: 52 minutes ago

Member since Feb 4, 2022

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St. Joan of Valois

St. Joan of Valois

Joan, or Jane, the physically deformed daughter of King Louis XI of France, was...

Friday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Friday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

King Herod Antipas best exemplifies the kind of person who has nothing but fear...

Why Did Jesus Call the Unworthy to Do His Work?

Why Did Jesus Call the Unworthy to Do His Work?

Our Sunday readings make us wonder:  Why does God pick the unworthy to do His work...

Denver: A Pilgrimage at 5280 Feet

Denver: A Pilgrimage at 5280 Feet

In the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Denver, Colorado, offers a delightful pilgrimage,...

St. Agatha

St. Agatha

Agatha was born in Sicily, although the date her of birth is unknown. However, there...

Donations to Peter’s Pence papal charities slump by 15 per cent in a year

Donations to Peter’s Pence papal charities slump by 15...

Donations to Peter’s Pence fell by around 15 per cent in 2021, the Vatican has announced....

Sainthood cause opens for Pakistani security guard who sacrificed his life to stop suicide bomber

Sainthood cause opens for Pakistani security guard who...

When a suicide bomber attempted to enter a Catholic church in Pakistan in 2015,...

Scottish Catholics called back to Mass as bishops announce reintroduction of Sunday obligation

Scottish Catholics called back to Mass as bishops announce...

The obligation for Catholics to attend Mass on Sunday and Holy Days is to be re-introduced...

Cardinal Hollerich: Church teaching on gay sex is ‘false’ and can be changed

Cardinal Hollerich: Church teaching on gay sex is ‘false’...

Catholic teaching on the morality of homosexual sexual acts is “false” and could...

Integralism is Christendom – Pt. II

Integralism is Christendom – Pt. II

Read part I here. Editor’s note: this is part of the postliberal conversation at...

Integralism is Christendom – Pt. I

Integralism is Christendom – Pt. I

Perhaps no term in modern Catholic political discourse is so poorly understood—deliberately...

The Victorious Martyrdom of St. Ignatius of Antioch

The Victorious Martyrdom of St. Ignatius of Antioch

Editor’s note: without a doubt, it is spirit of the martyrs that must be rekindled...

Candlemas: Feast of Obedience

Candlemas: Feast of Obedience

Candlemas, as it’s called, is a twofold feast of the Presentation of Our Lord and...



Now Lord, let Thy servant go in peace, Unto whom Thy promise is made good, Now mine...

Does Pius VI’s ‘Auctorem Fidei’ Support Paul VI’s Novus Ordo?

Does Pius VI’s ‘Auctorem Fidei’ Support Paul VI’s Novus...

Some people maintain that the Church cannot promulgate defective, useless, or harmful...

He continues His Passion Rather than Remove His Presence

He continues His Passion Rather than Remove His Presence

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   Last month we began the year...

The Sexual Abuse Crisis in Eastern Orthodoxy

The Sexual Abuse Crisis in Eastern Orthodoxy

Editor’s note: please be advised that this article includes graphic details of sexual...

What Happens in Chicago Will Affect the Whole Church

What Happens in Chicago Will Affect the Whole Church

From the organizers: Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass in Chicago this Sunday, February...

The Family and the Church Militant

The Family and the Church Militant

As it happens, I wrote about this very Sunday a couple of months ago, at the beginning...

Scott Hahn in Lancaster, SC

Scott Hahn in Lancaster, SC

Don’t miss Scott Hahn and the St. Paul Center in Lancaster on Friday, February 18,...