St. Clare of Assisi
St. Clare of Assisi, born in 1194 in Assisi, Italy, was a woman of noble birth who chose a life of poverty and dedication to God. Deeply inspired by the teachings and example of St. Francis of Assisi, Clare left her affluent life behind at the age of 18 to embrace a life of humility […]

St. Clare of Assisi, born in 1194 in Assisi, Italy, was a woman of noble birth who chose a life of poverty and dedication to God. Deeply inspired by the teachings and example of St. Francis of Assisi, Clare left her affluent life behind at the age of 18 to embrace a life of humility and service.
On Palm Sunday in 1212, Clare secretly left her home and went to the Porziuncola, where Francis and his brothers resided. There, she renounced her wealth and received a rough woolen habit, signifying her new life. Francis placed her in a Benedictine convent temporarily, but soon she moved to San Damiano, a small church that Francis had rebuilt. Clare’s sister, Agnes, joined her, and together they began the Poor Clares, a religious order dedicated to a life of prayer, poverty, and penance.
Clare became the abbess of the convent, where she led by example, living a life of austerity, manual labor, and contemplation. Despite her frail health, she displayed remarkable strength and determination, especially when defending her convent from invaders. One famous account tells of her holding up the Blessed Sacrament before the invading troops, causing them to retreat.
St. Clare maintained a deep spiritual relationship with St. Francis and adhered strictly to his vision of poverty. She wrote the first monastic rule known to have been written by a woman, which emphasized absolute poverty and the community’s total dependence on divine providence.
St. Clare passed away on August 11, 1253. She was canonized just two years later, in 1255, by Pope Alexander IV. Her legacy continues through the Poor Clares, who live out her vision of simplicity and devotion worldwide.
Practical Lessons:
- Lesson 1: Embrace Simplicity and Detachment: St. Clare’s choice to abandon her wealth and embrace a life of poverty teaches us the value of simplicity and detachment from material possessions. Her example encourages us to find true fulfillment in our relationship with God and to seek joy in living simply and selflessly.
- Lesson 2: Courage and Faith in Adversity: Clare’s unwavering faith and courage, especially during times of threat and hardship, remind us of the power of trust in God. Her example challenges us to remain steadfast in our beliefs and to rely on God’s strength in difficult situations.
Prayer to St. Clare of Assisi:
O glorious St. Clare, who embraced a life of poverty and humility, intercede for us that we may also seek simplicity and devotion to God. Help us to follow your example of faith and courage, trusting in God’s providence and finding joy in His service. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Other Saints We Remember Today
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