
This One Thing Makes a Great Father

This One Thing Makes a Great Father

Our society is a mess, and when you get down to the quick of it, you find the crisis...

Fatherhood and the Rise of Pornography

Fatherhood and the Rise of Pornography

God wants all men to be strong leaders, providers, and protectors. By recognizing...

Andrew Tate and the Destruction of Men

Andrew Tate and the Destruction of Men

Today we respond to an image of masculinity that has been adopted and admired by...

Taking the Risk of Faith

Taking the Risk of Faith

Whether it is starting your own business, getting engaged, pursuing your dream career,...

Two Devastating Ways NOT to Deal with Sin

Two Devastating Ways NOT to Deal with Sin

We hear a lot about the Good News today, but we do not hear much about the bad news....

Your Life’s Power Plan: 8 Essential Pillars

Your Life’s Power Plan: 8 Essential Pillars

In the grand theme of life, we are called to be great men. Throughout our journey,...

Miscarriage, Child Loss, and the Grief of Fathers

Miscarriage, Child Loss, and the Grief of Fathers

Today we sit down with Patrick O'Hearn and Bryan Feger, co-authors of "The Grief...

Sin, Shame, and What’s at Stake

Sin, Shame, and What’s at Stake

Sin brings in its wake a barrage of emotional consequences and external damages....

Sabotaging Your Own Success

Sabotaging Your Own Success

Why do we crave comfort so fervently? Jordan Peterson and Andrew Huberman have gained...

Leisure: The Basis of Manliness

Leisure: The Basis of Manliness

Leisure, not work, is at the core of manliness, because leisure helps us see and...

Selfless Self-Preservation

Selfless Self-Preservation

Temperance is also more than “moderation in all things.”  Plenty of things don’t...

Saving the West Through Creativity, Courage, and the Story of a Hero | Anthony D’Ambrosio

Saving the West Through Creativity, Courage, and the Story...

In this episode, my guest is Anthony D'Ambrosio, a director and screenwriter for...

St. Joseph’s 5 Virtues: Do You Have Them?

St. Joseph’s 5 Virtues: Do You Have Them?

There is one man who is a model of strength for all men. For our 150th episode,...

8 Ways to Put the Fear of God in Your Children

8 Ways to Put the Fear of God in Your Children

A man’s concept of God shapes the most significant aspects of who he is.  At the...

Handling Toxic Relationships

Handling Toxic Relationships

Marriage is tough, it comes with incomparable joys, as well as intense sorrow. When...

Boundaries – 5 Tips to Maintain Chastity

Boundaries – 5 Tips to Maintain Chastity

Avoiding pornography requires a person to set clear boundaries with people, places,...

How to Know Your True Friends

How to Know Your True Friends

Today John, Devin, and Sam dive into what it means to be a true friend. We discuss...

The Two Things Every Daughter Must Have

The Two Things Every Daughter Must Have

Today John, Devin, and Sam discuss the two primary needs your daughters must have...

Pusillanimous Families and the Longing for Siblings

Pusillanimous Families and the Longing for Siblings

Let’s face it, it takes courage to have children. To bring into the world that rebellious...

Discerning the Voice of Satan

Discerning the Voice of Satan

If Satan and his demons are going around waging a perpetual war on mankind and seeking...