Bro Jim C Salonoy - News Moderator

Bro Jim C Salonoy - News Moderator

Last seen: 6 hours ago

Member since Feb 4, 2022

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St. Junípero and Franciscan Mexico

St. Junípero and Franciscan Mexico

Above: Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Conca. The Franciscan presence in...

Entertaining the prospect of a papal resignation

Entertaining the prospect of a papal resignation

It is not, as the Herald goes to press, apparent that the pope will resign, but...

Nancy Pelosi receives Holy Communion at the Vatican

Nancy Pelosi receives Holy Communion at the Vatican

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly received Holy Communion at a Mass with Pope...

As Pelosi is welcomed by Pope, has Vatican taken a side in the culture wars?

As Pelosi is welcomed by Pope, has Vatican taken a side...

Less than a week after the US Supreme Court announced its explosive decision to...

Catholics cannot reject liturgical reforms of Vatican II, Pope says in new letter

Catholics cannot reject liturgical reforms of Vatican II,...

Catholics cannot say they accept the reforms Second Vatican Council while rejecting...

The unintended consequences of Desiderio desideravi

The unintended consequences of Desiderio desideravi

Are the modern rites really what Vatican II intended, asks Hugh Somerville Knapman...

Merely Catholic: The Spiritual Battle after Roe v Wade

Merely Catholic: The Spiritual Battle after Roe v Wade

This week, Dr Gavin Ashenden will be joined by Melissa Villalobos, the recipient...

Could the Pope stop World War 3?

Could the Pope stop World War 3?

Could the Pope stop World War 3? No, this isn’t about Ukraine. Aside from the fact...

Marriage is Made in the Mess

Marriage is Made in the Mess

As a devout cradle Catholic, I was raised with a traditional, Catholic understanding...

7 Steps to Bring People Back to Church

7 Steps to Bring People Back to Church

There are seven things that are really essential if we want to enter into true evangelization...

How to Chose Between Two Good Things

How to Chose Between Two Good Things

God is pure goodness. The devil, having no creative properties of his own, has only...

Christ Sets Us Free to Follow Him

Christ Sets Us Free to Follow Him

Scripture reflections for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1Kgs 19:16, 19-21; Gal...

What Peter and Paul Teach Us About Humility

What Peter and Paul Teach Us About Humility

I’ll admit that I feel insecure when I make a mistake and others witness it. If...

A Pilgrimage to Music City, USA

A Pilgrimage to Music City, USA

Nashville, Tennessee is appropriately known as Music City, USA. It is the well-established...

The Culture War Turns Violent

The Culture War Turns Violent

America’s culture war has turned violent. The violence has always been there of...

Kerygma and the Eucharist

Kerygma and the Eucharist

In response to a 2019 Pew Study that showed only 30 percent of Catholics believe...

Jesus Sends His Apostles First

Jesus Sends His Apostles First

Readings for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus sends out seventy-two...

Faithfully Carrying the Cross

Faithfully Carrying the Cross

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called...

St. Francis Xavier and Adventures in Adversity

St. Francis Xavier and Adventures in Adversity

Saint Francis Xavier was trapped on a rickety ship bound for Japan. His comrade...

The Powerful Virgin Against Evil

The Powerful Virgin Against Evil

“I Will Put Enmity between You and the Woman.” The one who has defeated the empire...