The Holy Eucharist, The “Highway to Heaven”: A Year of Hope Event
It all started with a dream. When attendants of the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis returned home this summer, they were mindful of Bishop Andrew Cozzens words: the revival isn’t over, it is just beginning. Participants from the Diocese of Ogdensburg (in upstate New York) began to informally meet monthly and brainstorm how they could […]

It all started with a dream. When attendants of the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis returned home this summer, they were mindful of Bishop Andrew Cozzens words: the revival isn’t over, it is just beginning. Participants from the Diocese of Ogdensburg (in upstate New York) began to informally meet monthly and brainstorm how they could bring a taste of the great hope they experienced to their diocese—and beyond. A result is “The Holy Eucharist: Highway to Heaven” event—a day of miracles, prayer, and hope—scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 26th, 2025, on the Eve of Divine Mercy, at St. Agnes Church and School in Lake Placid.
Lake Placid was the home of the 1980 Winter Olympic Games, renowned for the “Miracle on Ice,” where the United States defeated the Soviet Union in hockey.
A key feature of this upcoming event is the interactive Vatican Exhibition of the Eucharistic Miracles of the World, conceived and designed by Bl. Carlo Acutis—the first millennial saint—who will be canonized that weekend. Carlo, who died at age fifteen of leukemia, is already being called the greatest saint of the century, the saint in sneakers, and Thomas Aquinas in blue jeans. He wrote of his great love of the Blessed Sacrament, evangelized his parents, friends, and strangers, went to daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, and cared for the poor and forgotten. Bl. Carlo said, “The Eucharist is my highway to Heaven.”
Over the course of this event, attendants will have the opportunity to experience this through Holy Mass; an inspirational talk by Father Theodore Crosby; all day Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions; and a special Holy Hour led by Bishop Terry R. LaValley, where he will carry Jesus in the monstrance among the faithful and lead a Consecration to the Holy Eucharist. The event is for the whole family and will also include opportunities for fellowship and service.
The countdown to the Consecration to the Holy Eucharist begins on March 24th. The book the diocese is using for the consecration is 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory, which many parishes are making available. Bulk orders of 250 may be placed for as little as $2. Several parishes across the diocese will be holding small group discussions on the book to prepare for the Consecration.
Numerous Catholics expressed a longing for what they saw at the Eucharistic Congress via video, which is what inspired the organizers Father Bryan D. Stitt, Amy Schirmer, Carolyn Pierce, Deacon Bill O’Brien, Ken and Kathy Racette, and myself to embark on this endeavor. By God’s grace, we have already begun to see the fruits of prayers and efforts.
In his parish at St. Mary’s in Canton, Father Stitt related, they have added a weekly day of Eucharistic Adoration on Fridays from 9am to 3pm, which has drawn numerous faithful. Deacon O’Brien assists in promoting Eucharistic Adoration at St. Mary’s Cathedral and is making the 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory Consecration to the Holy Eucharist for the second time. (He previously led a group of twenty parishioners there in preparing for the Consecration.)
Schirmer noted that the number of adorers at the cathedral has increased since the Eucharistic Congress, and is helping to promote the Consecration there as well. Additionally, Pierce and members of her family who attended the Congress have begun attending Eucharistic Adoration weekly. Her daughter Maureen, a college student, recently gave a talk on the profound deepening of her faith and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament as a result of this event.
The Racettes, weekly adorers at Holy Cross in Plattsburgh, have invited others to join in the parish Eucharistic Adoration. Since the beginning of the revival, just by word of mouth and sharing literature, approximately twenty-five new adorers have signed up to spend an hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament each week.
Christine Trevail, also a weekly adorer at Holy Cross, and myself have made informational and inspirational displays for several parishes in the diocese with pamphlets and holy cards on the Real Presence and Eucharistic Adoration. Attendants of the April event will be able to view one of these displays. Catholic items, including books on the Holy Eucharist and Bl. Carlo Acutis from Sophia Press, will also be available for purchase.
Pierce shared:
Bishop Cozzens’ first words at the Eucharistic Congress in Indy were “Lord, it is good to be here.” And his concluding remarks after the last Mass were, “So go, don’t stay, and tell everyone what you experienced here.” So I’m so happy our Bishop is acting on that “mission mandate” to bring us together in Lake Placid to know the joy of being with the Lord—in adoration, in taking Jesus out in procession, and learning more about the Eucharist—and receiving His love and mercy. The renewed joy and zeal was palpable all week in Indy, and that’s why some of us who went wanted to bring that back and share that in our diocese. Preparing for the Congress, I would invite people to go and have “the chance to be with Jesus and 60,000 new friends.” And it was beautiful. Jesus doesn’t disappoint. So please plan now to come April 26th, be open to receiving what Jesus wants to give you—and share the day with 1000’s of friends you haven’t met yet.
Many have noted the connection between Eucharistic Adoration and the line in the movie Field of Dreams: “If you build it, they will come.” When we offer opportunities for the faithful to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Who is our hope, they do come. Sometimes God works most powerfully when we dare to put our dreams into action.

Author’s Note: More information about the event and resources may be found here. Individuals are encouraged to sign up at this site to receive a free short daily inspirational video by National Preacher for the Eucharistic Revival Father Jonathan P. Meyer and gain access to other resources.
Prepare for this beautiful event by joining us in our Consecration to the Holy Eucharist beginning on March 24th! If you wish to do so, 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory is available for purchase here.
Photo by Jacob Bentzinger on Unsplash