Syndicated News

Syndicated News

Last seen: 1 year ago

Member since Feb 4, 2022

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From the Top
This is Pope Francis' prayer intention for July 2022

This is Pope Francis' prayer intention for July 2022

Pope Francis visits the San Raffaele Borona assisted living home in Rieti, Italy,...

From the Top
Vatican confirms sale of London property at heart of finance trial

Vatican confirms sale of London property at heart of finance...

Bishop Nunzio Galantino, president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the...

Many are Called, but Few Are Chosen

Many are Called, but Few Are Chosen

It has been quite a liturgical ride over the last few weeks, with Ascension, Pentecost,...

Roe is Fallen and JESUS IS KING!

Roe is Fallen and JESUS IS KING!

Above: The Temptation of Christ on the Mountain by Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255-1319)....

Catholic Cop: How to Defend Your Church

Catholic Cop: How to Defend Your Church

Now more than ever, I believe it to be of absolute necessity for churches to be...

The New Rite of Consecration is Valid

The New Rite of Consecration is Valid

The New Rite of Episcopal Consecration Valid, albeit deficient and problematic In...

On the Limits of Papal Infallibility

On the Limits of Papal Infallibility

We see in the Latin liturgical tradition an interesting thing: with the major feast...

Daringly Balanced on One Point: The New Papal Letter on Liturgy

Daringly Balanced on One Point: The New Papal Letter on...

Above: Upside down Pyramid, Bratislava. Like a piece of upside-down modernist architecture,...

The Consecration of Russia Overturned Roe v. Wade

The Consecration of Russia Overturned Roe v. Wade

Above: Pope Francis at the Consecration of Russia on the Annunciation, 2022 (Diane...

The Silence of Pope Francis, Bishops Undermines the Pro-Life Movement

The Silence of Pope Francis, Bishops Undermines the Pro-Life...

Above: Pope Francis and Nancy Pelosi yesterday, who has been excommunicated by her...

Forgotten Customs of the Precious Blood

Forgotten Customs of the Precious Blood

Above: Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, with gushing blood, detail of the Ghent Altarpiece,...

St. Junípero and Franciscan Mexico

St. Junípero and Franciscan Mexico

Above: Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Conca. The Franciscan presence in...

Entertaining the prospect of a papal resignation

Entertaining the prospect of a papal resignation

It is not, as the Herald goes to press, apparent that the pope will resign, but...

Nancy Pelosi receives Holy Communion at the Vatican

Nancy Pelosi receives Holy Communion at the Vatican

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly received Holy Communion at a Mass with Pope...

As Pelosi is welcomed by Pope, has Vatican taken a side in the culture wars?

As Pelosi is welcomed by Pope, has Vatican taken a side...

Less than a week after the US Supreme Court announced its explosive decision to...

Catholics cannot reject liturgical reforms of Vatican II, Pope says in new letter

Catholics cannot reject liturgical reforms of Vatican II,...

Catholics cannot say they accept the reforms Second Vatican Council while rejecting...

The unintended consequences of Desiderio desideravi

The unintended consequences of Desiderio desideravi

Are the modern rites really what Vatican II intended, asks Hugh Somerville Knapman...

Merely Catholic: The Spiritual Battle after Roe v Wade

Merely Catholic: The Spiritual Battle after Roe v Wade

This week, Dr Gavin Ashenden will be joined by Melissa Villalobos, the recipient...

Could the Pope stop World War 3?

Could the Pope stop World War 3?

Could the Pope stop World War 3? No, this isn’t about Ukraine. Aside from the fact...

Marriage is Made in the Mess

Marriage is Made in the Mess

As a devout cradle Catholic, I was raised with a traditional, Catholic understanding...