The Unborn are Christ’s Beloved

The song Jesus Loves the Little Children by Clare H. Woolston underscores an important truth, as does Scripture (Mark 10:13-16): God loves His little ones. But His compassion does not stop there—He loves every person and proves it by the passion and death He willingly endured to redeem us (John 3:14-18). The proof of His […]

The Unborn are Christ’s Beloved

The song Jesus Loves the Little Children by Clare H. Woolston underscores an important truth, as does Scripture (Mark 10:13-16): God loves His little ones. But His compassion does not stop there—He loves every person and proves it by the passion and death He willingly endured to redeem us (John 3:14-18). The proof of His love comes from His sacrifice, which is re-presented at Mass every day, and sewn into the fabric of our being.

God made each of us the pinnacle of His creation. We can understand the special love that our Lord has for us by the very fact that He made us in His own image and likeness, the imago Dei (Gen 1:27). This great love includes unborn children since our immortal souls are created by God upon conception. It is upon our first moment of existence that personhood is established (CCC 366). This is why the Church uses the strongest and clearest language when telling us that we should not snuff out the lives of the unborn (Exodus 20:13, CCC 2270-72).

Thanks be to God that He made a way to restore those of us who have offended (by using contraception) or broken the command (through aiding or participating in an abortion) via the Sacrament of Penance. There is always a way to come back, to let Him heal your wounds, and to offer you His redemption.

In the early days of the Church, the pagan Romans would leave the most vulnerable—unwanted children—outside the city walls, where they would die of exposure to the elements or by the violence of wild animals. This was common practice. Although Roman civilization had built a society of advanced order, they were barbaric in their practice of abandoning undesired newborns. We even have evidence that some were selected to die simply because they were the wrong sex.

The early Christians, imbued with the Spirit of God and being formed by the Eucharist, began to rescue these children. Despite cultural practices, they recognized that the lives of these little ones were sacred, that they had dignity, and that their condemnation was unrighteous.

In our culture 2000 years later, we have a similar barbaric practice—taking the lives of little ones—only in this case it is the lives of unborn children.

Our priority must be to pray daily, beseeching the Eucharistic Lord as often as possible to end this holocaust taking place in our midst. Be confident that change will continue to happen, and eventually the ghastly trade will be no more. We have God on our side.

The old saying “put your money where your mouth is” is an important way we battle against the culture of death. At a time when individuals and organizations are making fortunes on this grisly trade, we should support the ministries who combat them on the front lines. Whether it is pregnancy help centers—which are being targeted with vandalism and intimidation by organized crime—pro-life sidewalk ministries, or large pro-life organizations involved in political work and education, we should give what we can to help.

We also ought to get involved in the Pro-Life Movement ourselves. This is key. God has made us with unique strengths and talents, so our place within the Pro-Life Movement will often fit with these gifts He’s given us to serve Him. Some will be called to go to the killing centers to counsel or pray with people. Some will be called to join marches for life in various cities. Some will be called to pro-life religious communities. Some will be called to seek political office. Some will be called to publish or give speeches to educate others. Involvement in saving babies and helping mothers and fathers will never be forgotten. It is a matter of life and death.

If you’re not sure where you belong, get your marching orders from our Eucharistic Lord. Find an Adoration chapel and listen to Him. Our Lord gazes on us through the monstrance and asks us if we will see the unborn child as He does. I believe He asks us these questions: “Will you fight for Me and My children? Will you be brave enough to speak the truth when it’s difficult?” “Will you stand up for the little ones when others are making money off their demise? “Will you vote for the most pro-life candidates though many abandon this Christian obligation?”

Our Eucharistic Lord wants to guide us in all things. Let Him move you to serve or continue serving in His Pro-Life Movement. By doing so, we serve Him and His loved ones by upholding the dignity of the human person, the imago Dei, the child of God.

Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash