St. Chad, Bishop and Confessor

St. Chad was born in the 7th century in Northumbria, England, and was one of four brothers who became priests. Educated at the monastery of Lindisfarne, he was deeply influenced by the Irish monastic tradition. After serving as abbot of Lastingham, he was appointed Bishop of the Northumbrians but humbly stepped aside when his election […]

St. Chad, Bishop and Confessor

St. Chad was born in the 7th century in Northumbria, England, and was one of four brothers who became priests. Educated at the monastery of Lindisfarne, he was deeply influenced by the Irish monastic tradition. After serving as abbot of Lastingham, he was appointed Bishop of the Northumbrians but humbly stepped aside when his election was disputed. Later, he was named Bishop of Mercia and worked tirelessly to bring the faith to rural communities. He traveled on foot to preach, personally instructing and baptizing converts. Known for his humility, simplicity, and dedication to his people, St. Chad shaped the early Church in England through his example of servant leadership. He died in 672 and was venerated as a saint shortly after his death.

Practical Lessons:

  1. Lead with Humility: St. Chad gave up his disputed bishopric without argument, prioritizing peace over personal status. At work or home, avoid unnecessary conflicts over positions or recognition—sometimes stepping back is the best way forward.
  2. Make Time for Personal Connections: Instead of waiting for people to come to him, Chad traveled on foot to meet them where they were. In daily life, take the time to check in on friends, family, and coworkers rather than assuming they will reach out first.
  3. Live Simply and Purposefully: St. Chad rejected luxury and lived modestly, staying focused on his mission. In modern life, this can mean decluttering distractions—whether material possessions or unnecessary commitments—to focus on what truly matters.


St. Chad, faithful shepherd and humble servant of Christ, pray for us that we may embrace humility in our work, generosity in our relationships, and simplicity in our lives. Help us to seek God’s will above our own desires and to bring His love to those around us. Through your intercession, may we grow in faith and holiness. Amen.


“Let us walk humbly with Christ, seeking neither power nor glory, but only His will.” — St. Chad

Other Saints We Remember Today

  • Blessed Charles the Good (1124), Martyr, Patron of counts and crusaders

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