We’ve Raised only 39% of What We Need. Please Help!
If you still want to help us meet our goal by year-end, we have 60% left to go!

If you’re reading this, it means that most likely, you’re the kind of person who genuinely cares about what is good and decent and right, and no matter what the obstacles are, you want to see truth prevail.
Since my fundraising appeal last week, we’ve doubled our progress toward our monthly goal from 19% to 39%. You’re moving the mountain!
There are the countless souls who send $5, $10, or $20 (or more) and add a little note that says, “It’s not much” or “I wish it were more.” These people are giving from their substance, and it’s wondrous to behold. Please, never think that your help is insignificant. Everything counts in the vineyard of the Lord.
I’ve also heard back from people who want to support us financially but can’t. People who are out of work or struggling financially. Elderly people on fixed incomes. People supporting adult children who are going through crises.
Please pray for these people. Please pray for their families and needs and intentions. Please pray for all of our benefactors and all of our readers and everyone praying for us. By that I mean, let’s pray for each other. We are in this together. All of us. And we are not just a few.
Our community is real, and it is everywhere. Men and women from every walk of life across the globe who love their families, their parishes, their Catholic Faith, and would do anything they could to see the glory of the Church restored. Men and women who put their faith in our little upstart publication to be the David against the Modernist Goliath.
The weight of that duty is heavy on our shoulders, but the encouragement is powerful. Our work, our efforts, our success, are born aloft on your prayers every bit as much as on your contributions. Our success or failure depends principally on our faithfulness to God.
I pray that God will bless all of you in abundance. I offer my sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been a benefactor to OnePeterFive, both financially and spiritually. If you still want to help us meet our goal by year-end, we have 60% left to go!
The idea that there are so many of us in this common cause is something I don’t reflect on enough. I’m so grateful to have an actual army of supporters and friends – especially our monthly donors. It’s incredibly encouraging, and we can all use some of that right about now.
Remember, the reason why we’re looking for recurring donors is so that we can count on a certain amount of income. This could ultimately mean fewer fundraising campaigns, and better planning, programs and reach on our part.
We know not everyone can do this, but some can. This goal is attainable with your help!
As 2023 winds to a close, we still have a lot to do, and things are not slowing down. Please help us to fill in the gap and close out this year’s fundraiser as soon as possible so we can keep our focus on the content and the growth.
Thank you, as always, for your readership, faith, and support.
T. S. Flanders
St. Thomas the Apostle
O Oriens